Official BBO Hijacked Thread Thread No, it's not about that
Posted 2015-July-12, 20:38
Posted 2015-July-13, 03:51
George Carlin
Posted 2015-July-22, 11:17
Posted 2015-July-22, 11:38
y66, on 2015-July-22, 11:17, said:
It means this thread is only for insider.

Posted 2015-July-22, 14:05

Photo by Nadia Shira Cohen for The New York Times
That was quite a speech de Blasio gave.
That + posting on the climate change thread + playing with pickups on BBO.
Posted 2015-July-23, 13:13
y66, on 2015-July-22, 11:17, said:
This thread is also younger, which means that posts have come faster. Thus viewers see more posts per visit on this thread. Or it might just mean that there are more people interested in that thread but more active posters on this one...or just that people are using this thread to boost their post count.
Posted 2015-July-23, 13:24
Posted 2015-July-23, 13:38
y66, on 2015-July-22, 11:17, said:
Climate change is happening much slower than nonsense but has more fans
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-July-23, 16:17
y66, on 2015-July-22, 11:17, said:
Because hot air rises.
Posted 2015-July-23, 16:57
y66, on 2015-July-22, 11:17, said:
This depends on what the meaning of "mean" is. What's it all about, Alfie? Life is a cabaret old chum. If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing, if that's all there is. Meaning has eluded great minds for ages. He could afford just one meatball. Now that has meaning. But what?
Posted 2015-July-24, 04:31
Posted 2015-July-24, 08:22
y66, on 2010-January-05, 18:15, said:
You did not manage it till now , so this could be the main reason the climate thread has still more views.
Posted 2015-July-24, 09:23

Posted 2015-July-25, 06:55
Demonization blocks any glimmer of shared humanity or sympathy. Only when the nameless foe becomes a man or a woman confronted with the puzzle of life does the path to understanding begin to open. No gun was turned to plowshare without some form, however tentative, of mutual recognition.
This question of invisibility is the starting point of Kamel Daoud’s remarkable first novel, “The Meursault Investigation.” His core idea is of startling ingenuity. Daoud, an Algerian journalist, takes Albert Camus’s classic novel, “The Stranger” — or more precisely the “majestically nonchalant” murder of an Arab at the heart of it — and turns that Arab into a human being rather than the voiceless, characterless, nameless object of a “philosophical crime” by a Frenchman called Meursault on an Algiers beach 20 years before the culmination of Algeria’s brutal war of independence.
The issue is no longer Meursault’s devastating honesty about the human condition — he does not love, he does not pretend, he does not believe in God, he does not mourn his dead mother, he does not judge, he does not repress desire, he does not regret anything, he does not hide from life’s farce or shrink from death’s finality — but the blood he has spattered on the sand with five gunshots into young Musa.
By inverting the perspective, and turning the anonymous Arab into a young man named Musa Uld el-Assas rather than someone “replaceable by a thousand others of his kind, or by a crow, even,” Daoud shifts the focus from the absurdity of Meursault’s act in the giddying sunlight to the blindness of the colonial mind-set.
Daoud’s novel has sometimes been portrayed as a rebuke to the pied-noir Frenchman Camus. But there is more that binds their protagonists than separates them — a shared loathing of hypocrisy, shallowness, simplification and falsification. Each, from his different perspective, renders the world visible — the only path to understanding for Arab and Jew, for American and Iranian, for all the world’s “strangers” unseen by each other.
Posted 2015-July-28, 07:22
Posted 2015-July-28, 08:58
In bumpy footage from their helmet cameras, they can be seen grabbing everything they can over the next 37 minutes — the captain’s logbooks, a laptop computer, charts and a slippery 200-pound fish. The video shows the fishing hold about a quarter full with catch and the Thunder’s engine room almost submerged in murky water. “There is no way to stop it sinking,” the men radioed back to the Bob Barker, which was waiting nearby. Soon after they climbed off, the Thunder vanished below.
It was an unexpected end to an extraordinary chase. For 110 days and more than 10,000 nautical miles across two seas and three oceans, the Bob Barker and a companion ship, both operated by the environmental organization Sea Shepherd, had trailed the trawler, with the three captains close enough to watch one another’s cigarette breaks and on-deck workout routines. In an epic game of cat-and-mouse, the ships maneuvered through an obstacle course of giant ice floes, endured a cyclone-like storm, faced clashes between opposing crews and nearly collided in what became the longest pursuit of an illegal fishing vessel in history.
Posted 2015-July-28, 13:34
Winstonm, on 2015-July-28, 07:22, said:
Ever notice who uses that pejorative term to alienate, dehumanize and criticize? Now, if only a real argument was available, there would be no need to resort to rhetorical devices, would there?
Posted 2015-July-28, 15:58
Al_U_Card, on 2015-July-28, 13:34, said:
Now only if those who deny the reality of climate change had a real argument, rather than cherry-picked and (often) massaged data, taken out of context, maybe they wouldn't find themselves being described in pejorative terms? Nah, fixed delusional beliefs rarely give in to reality....there is always a way to rationalize everything. The average temperature of the world climbing every year? No...we can show that in one or even a handful of locations, the temperature isn't rising. The greenhouse gas level has risen in recent times in virtual lockstep with human activities? No...we can show that the models used by climate scientists aren't precisely correct, so let's ignore what they have to say about anything until they become infallible in every detail. And so on.
Climate change deniers would be merely the subject of ridicule were it not for the truly horrific consequences of their belief systems. As it is, it seems very likely that future generations will look back on people like you and regard them as guilty of the most serious crimes against humanity of all history. Not to mention the mass extinctions that are already underway...we were already living through one of the greatest extinction eras in the history of life on earth, but global warming is going to add countless species to the roll of the dead/extinct.
Whether it is salmon unable to spawn in the overly warm waters of the Columbia river, or honeybees seeing their range of habitat shrink by 300 kms of latitude over the past several decades, or mass fish kills due to the collapse of the underlying ecology made up of life forms that can tolerate only a small range of temperatures, or polar bears losing habitat as the ice sheets shrink, or the spread of diseases like West Nile as its geographical range increases with increased goes on and on and on, and people like you find all kinds of reasons for humans to avoid doing anything about it. So what if the consensus view is flawed in some details? So what if the problem may turn out not to be quite as horrifically destructive as some predict? Ah, why bother? You're a waste of effort.
Posted 2015-July-28, 16:24
We can only (with great difficulty, hardship and expense) control that particular climate forcing so other than adapting, mitigation even by IPPC numbers is virtually ineffectual.
But you need not waste your time on this particular subject if it is too vexing.
Posted 2015-July-28, 17:51