awm, on 2011-June-19, 15:36, said:
I voted for a club lead.
In general I don't think this is a lightner double. It's just "we're beating this" -- it suggests control of diamonds and a bunch of other tricks. These other tricks could just be in the form of a lot of high cards (as seems likely here, and was the case on the actual hand) or could be in the form of a running side suit.
If partner just has tricks it may not matter much what I lead. But if partner has a suit of his own it's almost surely clubs. There are some hand types where we need a club lead to set (i.e. say partner has the ♦K, a major suit ace, and five good clubs missing one honor). While a heart lead is our best chance at getting down four, partner's major suit holdings on the actual hand could just as easily be the other way. However, partner having nothing in clubs given my shortage there would be quite surprising.
Agreed, except..
awm, on 2011-June-19, 15:36, said:
While a heart lead is our best chance at getting down four, partner's major suit holdings on the actual hand could just as easily be the other way.
I just cant imagine a player, who has a DBL to final 3NT, and did not DBL an artificial bid at 3 level with AQJx, do u really think he may have this ?