At imps, no-one vulnerable:
You end up in 4spades (never mind you'd rather bid 3nt, play is more interesting this way. I was just a kibber) after an undisturbed auction:
1club: 16+, any. 1nt: nat, gf
2spades 3diamonds
3hearts 3spades
Opps play 1st, 3rd, 5th leads.
Lead is club T.
Assume spade switch if RHO is allowed to win. Assume best defence.
Q1: what is the best line? Is there one?
Q2: under the assumption that RHO holds the club K can a strong case be made for a) giving it to him to trick one or b) denying this by intervention with A?
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a guess? find best line - a declarer problem
Posted 2011-September-02, 09:58
I'll begin by addressing Q2: I see no reason to assume that RHO holds the club K. Clubs are unbid, and NS didn;t even try for 3N, so I would expect a club lead anytime they didn't lead a spade.
As for the line.....I would simply win the spade, cross in clubs and play a heart to the K.
If it wins, I am in very good shape....I'd cross in diamonds, ditch the diamond on a club (if rho ruffs in, I overruff....and then play heart A and a heart, intending to ruff low if the K hasn't appeared and to ruff high (9) if it has. I get 10 tricks on most layouts and sometimes 11.
If LHO wins the heart K, what does he return? A diamond? I rise the A to take my pitch on the club and then play a heart to the A and ruff a heart with the 9, ruff a diamond, cash a trump. If trump are 3-2, claim ten tricks (11 if the heart J fell), and if not, exit the heart....if LHO wins, claim...if rho wins and LHO held Jxxx in spades, I am down. Tant pis.
if he returns a spade, win in hand, cross to dummy in diamonds, take the pitch and proceed as above.
I can't calculate the relative odds of this certainly have many options in the red suits, but I generally don't like taking finesses when I don't have to...the simple heart finesse may well solve all the problems and, when it doesn't....I don't want to take any more losing finesses
As for the line.....I would simply win the spade, cross in clubs and play a heart to the K.
If it wins, I am in very good shape....I'd cross in diamonds, ditch the diamond on a club (if rho ruffs in, I overruff....and then play heart A and a heart, intending to ruff low if the K hasn't appeared and to ruff high (9) if it has. I get 10 tricks on most layouts and sometimes 11.
If LHO wins the heart K, what does he return? A diamond? I rise the A to take my pitch on the club and then play a heart to the A and ruff a heart with the 9, ruff a diamond, cash a trump. If trump are 3-2, claim ten tricks (11 if the heart J fell), and if not, exit the heart....if LHO wins, claim...if rho wins and LHO held Jxxx in spades, I am down. Tant pis.
if he returns a spade, win in hand, cross to dummy in diamonds, take the pitch and proceed as above.
I can't calculate the relative odds of this certainly have many options in the red suits, but I generally don't like taking finesses when I don't have to...the simple heart finesse may well solve all the problems and, when it doesn't....I don't want to take any more losing finesses
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2011-September-02, 10:14
Heart Q is taken by K and a diamond returned.
When going for the pitch on 3rd club LHO ruffs.
Seems a pretty standard hand at first, but I find all options alluring. But your conclusion is probably the way to go. Just interested if there is some superior combo play.
When I gave this to pd he played almost along your line and when 3rd club was ruffed he states: as I knew all along, I can always make. Now just have to get the cards right.
When going for the pitch on 3rd club LHO ruffs.
Seems a pretty standard hand at first, but I find all options alluring. But your conclusion is probably the way to go. Just interested if there is some superior combo play.
When I gave this to pd he played almost along your line and when 3rd club was ruffed he states: as I knew all along, I can always make. Now just have to get the cards right.
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