hotShot, on 2011-September-05, 06:43, said:
How do you expect the trumps to break, if preemptor has a max. of 2 cards in that suit.
How many rounds of ♣ do you intend to ruff with the north hand (because that the only suit short enough for a ruff) knowing that RHO is short in ♣ and has 4+ trumps too.
Sine 3♣X= is 670, you should not go down 3 dbled, so you need to make 7 tricks.
South gets the A♦ and maybe ♠Q and ♥J are useful, but since finesses are most likely off, north needs to have about 5 tricks in his hands.
If north's semibalanced hand can produce 5 tricks although finesses won't work and although RHO can overruff or promote his trumps,
than 3♣ won't make and going down is too expensive.
Yes everyone who reads "to bid or not to bid" or "LOTT" comes with this response. We are all aware that if you get doubled there are hands that will cost you more than -670. This aint one of them though imo. And even if it is, you are not doubled yet
In this hand to bid or pass is not even a close decision to me. And we did not even mention the big hands yet pd may have, whichever suit he has we have great fit with no wasted values in his shortness.
I understand the fear of losing trump control, but the matter is it won't matter since the guy with long trumps will be RHO. Disaster scenario is if 3♣ opener has 3-4 of of our trump and we lose the trump control, which again won't matter because then we will play undoubled. It matters if we were defeating them of course but there is no perfect decision on this. I still believe in bidding to be superior in the long run.