Speaking for myself, I really do not think the interest in this case is particularly different dependent whether this was real or created, and I strongly suggest that attacking lamford on this point does nothing constructive. I should prefer that people either comment on matters of bridge Laws etc raised by this thread or refrain, whichever they prefer. But do note this is a personal opinion not official.
The reason for stating the jurisdiction is that many things are different in different jurisdictions. In effect a hand that purports to come from England may have the same points of interest dependent on whether it actually comes from England or has been constructed to make a point under English regulations and interpretations.
The OP says “at a local club of mixed standard” which, in view of the fact that lamford is a Londoner sounds as though it is from England. Also, from reading the OP, I cannot see anything that is actually jurisdiction-dependent, so none of this probably matters.
mrdct, on 2011-September-11, 17:48, said:
As for the appeals report, despite disagreeing with the TD ruling and the AC decision, I am impressed that an appeals committee at club game would produce such a comprehensive written judgement; but I must say that I'm tempted to call shenanigans here given that there was no mention of the appeal in the earlier posts, an apparently contrived claims ruling was then posted and now an appeals report (in format and detail at least) worthy of a Bermuda Bowl final has emerged. Again, I'm more than happy to stand corrected, but can Lamford let us know exactly where this appeal took place and whether or not appeal reports in that jurisdiction go on the public record as I'd like to see a copy of it. Perhaps Lamford could let us know at least who the chair of the appeals committee was so he or she could be contacted independently to verify the accuracy of the transcription of the appeals report.
"an appeals report (in format and detail at least) worthy of a Bermuda Bowl final has emerged"??? We have not seen a report, and the format could be the worst ever seen. Where is the description of the hand, the players, what happened, and so forth?
I am not sure whether appeals reports are awful in your neck of the woods, mrdct, but all you know about his one is that the AC Chairman took the trouble to explain their thinking. I am not sure what that proves, but I have seen appeals reports with careful explanations from side games in minor English congresses.