Here's what actually happened:
1) I bid 2NT with the 16 count (should be 3H, since partner really should have 6 hearts) and it went two off. BUT it was a second-top because everyone else managed to do even worse than that! All but one were in game - some in 3NT, some in 4H and one in 4S (on a 5-2 fit), all going 3 off.
I think pass is probably sensible at MPs, 3H at imps.
2) Partner led a club into declarer's AQ and that was a top for them (well, except for the pair that somehow managed to make 6
♥!). However, the main reason they got a top was because of their dodgy bidding landing them in 3NT rather than 4H on a 9-card fit. :/
3) I was East. I'd never learnt that responsive X showed "majors or minors" (depending on what opponents opened, so majors here) - I thought it was just "two suits, 8+ HCP, no clear direction". So I'm going to write on the CC for next time that it shows majors or minors, and prevent this happening again
Yes I agree that, in absence of prior agreements, perhaps partner might have gone with 2H - if I actually have D and S, I can bid 2S.
4) I opened 2H and we got to 6H-1, missing the cold 6C when partner hits with a 5215 21-count. We have now agreed that a new suit after a weak two is forcing, since here 2H-2S-3C-4C... would have done the trick.
5) Looking at the hand again, if partner's going to tell me off for pushing on hand 1, I'm tempted to tell him off for pushing on a balanced 15 opposite a weak 2 at green! But anyway, I also tried the spade J only to realise too late that the finesse against the KQ wasn't going to actually help since I don't have the 9. The club finesse was on and I got a rubbish score for -50.
Agree with those who said that I should win the K and then finesse hearts. But you'd be surprised - there are some players at the club who would lead away from the HQ because they don't know it's a bad idea, and some who would do it because you'd never suspect it.
Somehow we ended up with over 55%! Imagine what could happen...