Posted 2013-February-06, 15:13
1) Yes, psyching micro-Flannery is illegal on the GCC, as several have said upthread.
2) If it's a "9-that-looks-like-10", then it's an upgrade and should be fine (I have issues with the "KQJx QJT9 T9 T98 isn't a 10-count" crowd for Kamikaze NT, as well; what's been *said* and what's been written in the Bulletin, and what's in the actual regulations are two different things, and it would be interesting to get actual case law. But even that is a pogrom by a few people against the 10-12ers who, back in the day, did have a lot of interesting agreements, including effectively opening "any" 9 count and claiming it was an upgrade, and psyching the "bailout" responses, with undisclosed agreements that opener, even with KQJx in the suit, couldn't raise it, even in competition. I don't see the fanaticism on upgrade judgement on any other conventional call - certainly people are happy with my 15-that-looks-like-16 Precision openers, for instance), as I said above.
3) if it's not, if it's a "9-that-looks-like-a-third-seat-opener", then either:
- they expect it, in which case it's an illegal, and concealed, conventional agreement;
- they don't expect it, and it was deliberate, in which case, it's a psych of a conventional opening, and illegal;
- they don't expect it, and they didn't realize 2♦ was regulated differently than a natural 1♥ call, in which case we handle that as we do any other similar situation;
- they don't expect it, opener really did think it was a 10-count, and we believe that his judgement is really that bad and he's not trying one on, in which case we deal with that.
Frankly, it is highly likely that they know they can't agree to open crappy 9-counts, but don't realize that the relaxation on (natural) third-seat openings doesn't apply to conventional calls. They do expect this, in third seat, and they do have an implied SPU, and they don't think there's anything wrong with it. Less likely is that they're trying on the innocent look; less likely they are just hoping nobody's going to notice; less likely they don't realize that there's a hard limit of 10 HCP on these calls; less likely yet they're being deliberately malfeasant.
But I certainly can't determine what, if any, of these cases apply from here; nor can anyone else. That's why we call the TD; not because we want to punish the offenders, but because only she can determine what, if anything, is problematic, without the bias of being one of the table pairs. Were I at the table, I would be content if the TD said there wasn't an issue after doing the research; I would be content if the TD said there was; I'd only be frustrated if I let it slide, but was still fed up enough with it to raise it the next day somewhere else. So that's why I started with "yeah, call."
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)