CSGibson, on 2012-September-03, 01:14, said:
I doubled, partner passed, we got to write down -530 (2 clubs cashed, but opener was able to pick up diamonds for no loss, having AQT behind my KJ9. Pard had something like xx Axx xxx AKTxx. Winning action is to either pass or bid 3N if you think they won't X, or if they will double but will defend poorly.
Tell your partner not to make a 2/1 overcall on minimum weak NT hands? Even xx Jx Axx AKxxx offers pretty reasonable play for game. xx jx Ax AKxxxx is basically cold for 3N, and there is still no guarantee that you are beating 3Sx.
Still I have sympathy for all three actions.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper