We came 4th overall - perhaps might have done better if I'd played some hands more carefully, including a grand slam (28-imp swing)!! But I'd appreciate some input on these.
1) ATB:
I'm sure you can all spot the flaw in this slam. We play first and second round cue bids and 4NT RKC 3041 is the only ace-asking method we have. How could we do better here?
2) ATB:
Do you want to be in the slam (it goes off on a spade lead)? If so, who needed to do more? (The 3D overcall was actually an eight-card suit. Our team-mates chose 4D at the other table which pretty much forced them into the slam after North bid 4H)
And the bonus question. You have ♠932 ♥T974 ♦QJ52 ♣T2 and partner opens 1H in fourth seat (red vs white). Do you raise?