Playing Weak NT what to open with a 5 card major and balanced?
Posted 2013-June-18, 06:06
my question is playing ACOL Weak NT, you have 12-14 points and balanced but 5 cards in one of the majors i.e. 5332 or 2533 something like that. when should you open the Major and when should you open 1NT
Posted 2013-June-18, 06:24
On the other hand, I quite like weak 1NT with 4-card majors: the advantage there is that you always have either extra strength (e.g. 15+) or extra shape (5-4, or sometimes 4-4-4-1) to open a suit. It seems to me that playing 5-card majors loses a significant advantage of the weak NT.
Posted 2013-June-18, 06:30
CamHenry, on 2013-June-18, 06:24, said:
On the other hand, I quite like weak 1NT with 4-card majors: the advantage there is that you always have either extra strength (e.g. 15+) or extra shape (5-4, or sometimes 4-4-4-1) to open a suit. It seems to me that playing 5-card majors loses a significant advantage of the weak NT.
sorry I Think my title might have been confusing, i'm not saying I play 5 card majors

I just mean when u play a weak nt and have a 5 card major as in 5332 12-14 range what should you bid
sorry if it was confusing

Posted 2013-June-18, 06:31
Posted 2013-June-18, 06:33
Zelandakh, on 2013-June-18, 06:31, said:
I'm after best approach rather than most popular if possible

Posted 2013-June-18, 06:46
You may ask what the best players do. In this case. Play strong NT, most of them prefer it, so if something is superior it should be the strong NT.
I switch to weak NT with 5 card majors regulary in them two years ago and I still like it...
@CamHenry: I am a five card major player, so which significant disadvantage do I suffer? All my 1 of a suit openings are either unbalanced or strong, so I have the same advantage as you have in your system...
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2013-June-18, 06:48
I've a few theories to account for the stats, but in a nutshell, if you suit is hearts, you want to make it difficult for them to find spades, but with spades, you have the boss suit for competing partscore. A secondary reason for opening 1NT with five hearts in Acol is that you are a bit stuck after 1♥-1♠, but that is not an issue after opening 1♠.
Posted 2013-June-18, 08:26
Playing with my brother a few years back we used to open 1NT with all 5332 and play 5-card Stayman after 1NT, which worked OK but does have the disadvantage of giving away info. There seems to be a modern trend towards playing 3C Puppet Stayman after 1NT (2C regular Stayman), I guess because if you have GF values then you're likely to make the contract anyway so giving opps info isn't as bad.
These days my partner and I have agreed "open 1NT with A10xxx or less in the major" but of course it also depends on the rest of the hand (primes vs quacks, cards in long suits vs short suits, etc).
Posted 2013-June-18, 08:59
But I do believe that it is a closer decision when playing a weak 1N opener than when playing a strong 1N opener. In the latter case you are rather more stuck for a rebid if you don't open 1N, whereas the possible "lies" that you have to make by opening 1M in a weak 1N system are less extreme.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2013-June-18, 08:59
ahydra, on 2013-June-18, 08:26, said:
No, it's played partly because you'll often give away less information through puppet - e.g. 1N:3C, 3D:3H, 3N doesn't tell oppo whether opener has four hearts. I really dislike 1N:2C as five-card Stayman, there are a bunch of hands below GF values with interest in both majors that are difficult to handle without vanilla Stayman.
Posted 2013-June-18, 09:10
Posted 2013-June-18, 09:16
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2NT = 4♥4♠, INV
1NT - 2NT = 5♠4♥, INV
1NT - 2♦; 2♥ - 2NT = 5♥4♠, INV
1NT - 2♥; 2♠ - 3♥ = 5♥5♠, INV
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2♥ = INV+, not intersted in 4-4 heart fit
1NT - 2♣; 2♦ - 2♠ = INV+, 4♥, <4♠
You do lose Crawling Stayman of course but your post seems to be suggesting other issues.
Posted 2013-June-18, 10:26
Posted 2013-June-18, 11:12
I agree with Phil above:
With hearts, 1N unless I'm willing to consider it a 6 card suit.
With spades, 1S unless I'm willing to consider it a 4 card suit.
One issue is competition in spades. A second issue is that we play 1H-1S-1N as showing 15-17, while the 1S bidder basically never has this problem.
Posted 2013-June-18, 11:37
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"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2013-June-18, 11:52
5233 open 1♠
5332 Open 1NT
2533 Consider opening 1♥
3532 Open 1NT
Partner with a 5 card major will transfer. So when you open 1NT with 3 in the other major you find your 5-3 fit. Opening 1NT with 2 in the other major you may lose your 5-3 fit and instead find yourself in a 5-2 fit.
With 14 points and a decent 5 card suit consider uprating the hand to 15 and thus in acol style open 1M and rebid no trumps if partner responds in a suit.
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Posted 2013-June-18, 12:42
Posted 2013-June-18, 13:12
However unless you have a good systemic reason you should always bid the 5M instead of opening 1NT. They are 3 main reasons for this.
1- 1NT--(overcall)--??? sometimes our fit get burried partner doest find the right lead or we dont compete enough.
2- 1NT all pass going down vs 2M making.
3- 1NT--(X) is the 3rd one. Even if you find a decent spot you will still be in a dangerous spot compared to those who open 1M.
The biggest advantage of the weak nt is that you avoid LHO making an 1-level overcall however the higher you open the lower the risk of an enemy overcall. So opening 1NT with 5S doesnt give you anything, so you should only do this because of systemic rebid problem.
IMO another small drawback is that
1H-1S-1NT as 15-17 is a fairly rare hand for a premium bidding space.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2013-June-18, 16:46
It may be a deep reach, since virtually none of the hands involve Acol pairs, but whatever! To be continued.