Does any know of a version of "Partnership Bidding at Bridge, The contested auction. Andrew Robson and Oliver Segal, 1993" translated to Danish?
Have any tried to translate it to other languages using online automated translation services?
Any tips or tricks should I attempt to make such a translation?
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"Partnership Bidding at Bridge" translated to danish using automated online translation services
Posted 2013-November-01, 06:54
Never tried. It might work, but the book has a lot of technical terms that might get messy in the translated version.
The book is definitely worth translating. 20 years after, it still stands as the only good book on bidding ever written. Yes, the ONLY one.
The book is definitely worth translating. 20 years after, it still stands as the only good book on bidding ever written. Yes, the ONLY one.
Posted 2013-November-23, 23:47
IMO there is a lot of interesting ideas, but too many flaws, the requirement for the fit jump are too high so the frequency is too low. Also many fit jump situation help opponents more than your side. Also some of the splinters are just worth more than the fit jumps (especially if they turn FP "on")
For sure its worth reading but dont take it as a bible.
For sure its worth reading but dont take it as a bible.
From Psych "I mean, Gus and I never see eye-to-eye on work stuff.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2013-November-26, 10:02
I remember thinking, when I first read this book, that I wished someone would translate parts of it into English 
Had to work very hard to extract some fine ideas from this book.

Had to work very hard to extract some fine ideas from this book.
Posted 2013-November-26, 10:12
Siegmund, on 2013-November-26, 10:02, said:
I remember thinking, when I first read this book, that I wished someone would translate parts of it into English 

Agree, the number of grammatical errors and typos is so large that it is sometimes difficult to read.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2013-November-27, 21:22
This book is the classic on contested auctions. There is nothing that as yet comes close to it. It is one of the best theoretical Bridge books ever written.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
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