I, and with me many other TDs, have 2 main concerns:
1. Robot marks.
You only can unmark robots whilst setting up, but it is on tab 4. Many TDs, when setting up, save the tourney as soon as they have filled in the description box; as a result of that the Robots will be marked. Is it possible to either unmark robots later, or move the robot mark from tab 4 to tab 1. Unmarking later is my first choice, since may TDs (me too) copy tourneys for a series and can't unmark them later. If you want to vary in that, you cannot use the copy option.
2. TCR.
If TCR is set, only the host can change it. So in- or decreasing is only possible by the host. Is it possible to alter that, so that scheduled TDs can change it also before tourney starts? It really occurs quite often. Most TDs don't have the host's password, but even then, you have to log out and login as host, change it, log out, login again with your own nick.
It really would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
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