neilkaz, on 2015-February-18, 23:00, said:
I'd be banned from this forum if I used the appropriate language to describe PD's bidding. How many tricks is his hand worth after you bid 2♦ GF? OK he's concerned about C ♣ perhaps but should realize that you have to have something there for 3NT after his splinter and should bid 4♦ which after your 3NT is very suggestive of slam.
I don't think 3NT suggests anything in clubs at all, it suggests spade honnors. But 2
♦ does, in the form that giving partner 12+ HCP is really tough without a club honnor. Not impossible but unlikely.
As You and Ben said partner is too strong for 4
♥ after 3NT. I think 4
♣ over 3NT shows a club control with interest in 6
♦, so 4
♦ will make it clear to partner where our problem is. I prefer 4
♦ over 4
♠ for that reason.