South declares 4♥. On a club lead, he plays the Ace and revokes, discarding a small diamond. He draws two rounds of trumps ending in dummy, plays a low club towards his Jack, East playing low (believing that declarer will ruff), scores the Jack, and proceeds to discard the ♣Queen on the third round of spades. The defense make just one trick, a diamond.
Law 64A2 gives the defense one trick, clearly inadequate for the damage suffered (declarer will be very stretched to make more than 10 tricks by normal play).
The relevant law here is 64C: "When, after any established revoke, including those not subject to rectification, the Director deems that the non-offending side is insufficiently compensated by this Law for the damage caused, he shall assign an adjusted score."
What does equity mean here? Do we adjust the score to 4♥ making 10, the normal result without the revoke? Or do we punish declarer and assign one down, or something else?