N/S are experienced players and E/W are less so.
After East's 3D bid, South asked the meaning of West's 2D bid and was told by East that it was diamonds. West then said, No - it was a transfer to hearts. Director was called and bidding continued as shown. They made 12 tricks. Despite the unauthorised information, I felt that it was not logical for West to pass the 3D East bid (holding a void in diamonds), and with 6 hearts I was comfortable for her to bid 3H. I felt that she would have bid 3H even without the question and answer at the table. I felt the same about the 4H bid by East (holding 4 hearts of her own) - but perhaps not quite as comfortable with that. I did consult with a couple of other directors in the room and they felt it should have been taken back to 3D going off a million. Comments please.