Anyone around and willing to play vs JEC today at 7.30PM New York Time (1.30AM Central Europe)?
Susi needs opps for JEC if possible, and needs a fast answer. Their line-up is: jec/ Lotan Fisher....BRGPRO / ELDAD
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Need a team for JEC today, Sun, at 7.30PM EDT (1.30AM CET)
Posted 2015-June-21, 16:00
OK this is solved. She'll get a semi-BBF team
two random stars + barmar and partner
Posted 2015-June-22, 01:10
Results here for anyone curious: http://webutil.bridg...9298-1434929534
Nice balanced match, altho they lost in the end by 12 IMPs.
Nice balanced match, altho they lost in the end by 12 IMPs.
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