barmar, on 2014-July-19, 02:24, said:
What makes subs willing to be subs at all? If they really wanted to play the whole tourney, why don't they register for real?
When my regular partners are not available, I sub as a way to search for other prospective partners. I sub not to play more hands or tournaments, but as an easy way to meet other players that I would not know about otherwise. I have met several players that make being a sub worthwhile, but I also played hands with players that I have no desire to see again. I view being a sub as a way to kiss a lot of frogs, in hopes I will find a Prince or Princess.
I sent the message below to BBO with suggestions for ways to improve the substitute experience, and BBO responded with helpful ideas and by encouraging me to post this on the forums. Here are my suggestions:
1) Do not offer again to sub where a previous offer was refused. How many times must I say NO! to sub with the same beginner partner in a beginner event? Only one rejection per session, please!
2) Increase the number of rejections before removing a sub from the active list. After only two rejections, usually repeats of the same item, BBO now removes us from the sub list so that we must click again and again to get back on it. Then BBO hammers us with repeats of the same item we previously said NO! too, so that we are quickly kicked off the sub list again. That quick bounce off the sub list makes us feel positively unwelcome!.
3) Please, give us some categories that we can check to exclude some offers to sub. The one that irritates me most is to sub into a team game with an unknown partner. That always plops me into a seat in a new team game that is just forming, and then requires me to wait FOREVER until the empty seats (including my absent partner) are filled. :-( Please, PLEASE, give me the option to not see offers to sub into that dismal situation. At the least, stop pounding me with repeats on a team game with an unknown partner.