gwnn, on 2015-July-30, 07:19, said:
Oh you put 1444 specifically for S so he always bids 2D. that's nice but why not just do 100 deals and have him be 12, 13, 14, or anything whatsoever? I don't quite know what you're trying to measure. Just do an honest long simulation and report it.
I was zooming in on one of the conditions under which the 2C-2D; 2M mechanism threatens to collapse, as in glen's example. (Doesn't happen easily when Responder is 0-7 or 16+, I think) I honestly don't know what an honest long simulation would look like, since people tend to want to be able to overcall but I don't want to force a set of agreements upon them. But I thought this 100 deal simulation could still serve as some sort of (qualitative) illustration of what to expect under the given conditions. Just keep in mind that:
The accidents in 30) and 57) wouldn't have happened if East had doubled, Dixon-style.
The accident in 31) wouldn't have happened if East had made a normal-looking 2S overcall
The accident in 44) wouldn't have happened if West had made a normal-looking, but marginal, 2S overcall
The accident in 62) wouldn't have happened if West had made the kind of double you were talking about in an earlier post.
The accident in 77) wouldn't have happened if East had doubled, Dixon-style, or overcalled 2N
The accident in 90) wouldn't have happened if East had acted with his very strong hand
The accident in 95) wouldn't have happened if East had made a normal-looking, but IMO misguided, 2S overcall
The accident in 96) wouldn't have happened if East had made a normal-looking S overcall (either 2S, 3S or 4S)
The accident in 99) wouldn't have happened if East had made a normal-looking 2S overcall or West had made a "gwnn-style" double
So if EW were playing normal bridge (instead of passing throughout), as many as 10 of the 11 accidents could have been avoided. The ones in 90) and 99) even benefitted NS.
Ps: I've alluded to this a few times but never directly asked you: are you really gonna open this also when vulnerable?
In the "lab" I currently require 6M (i.e. 6M3-OM) or 5M5+m when vulnerable. But that's (the current) me.