nige1, on 2017-April-06, 20:14, said:
The gassing of Syrian rebels is a war-crime but, so far, it isn't clear who made or deployed the weapons. Given US paranoia about Russia and US weapons-lobby propaganda, Trump's premature popular reaction is understandable but, IMO, ill-considered and risky.
If the agent was sarin, then the alternate explanation, proffered by the Syrian government and Russia, that the release of the gas was due to a bomb striking a rebel chemical weapons facility, seems implausible. Sarin is a binary agent, in that to create the actual toxin, one must combine two chemicals in a fairly precise way. The resulting chemical reaction creates the sarin.
Imagine having tanks or canisters of these two chemicals in close physical proximity and then blowing them up. It would be a very unusual event for enough of those chemicals to interact with each other and generate sarin, instead of escaping into the atmosphere with minimal mixing.
Meanwhile, at least 3 nations apparently maintain very close air surveillance, to the point of being able to track individual planes....the US, Russia and Turkey. Note that Syria essentially admits to dropping munitions on the area at the right time. So: did a regime that used sarin to kill 1400 civilians in Damascus a few years ago use the same chemical in this attack, or did a one-in-a-million (just a figure of speech..I have no idea as to the likelihood but it seems highly implausible) event occur in which two chemicals were simultaneously released due to an explosion, and despite those circumstances (with all of the blast, heat, randomness involved) were able to mix in such quantities as to cause the generation of a significant volume of nerve toxin?
I know where logic takes one on this.
Btw, I am NOT a fan of Trump, and I found his wrapping himself in god and babies nauseating to watch. This is a man who has barred all of those babies from the US because of their parents' religion. I suspect that the reality is that he saw an opportunity to boost his abysmal ratings while also playing soldier with big, shiny, expensive weapons.
That raid cost more money than the federal funding of meals on wheels, which he has of course proposed be abolished. Yes, this man oozes compassion, doesn't he?
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari