At first, East knew North misclick , and paused for a few seconds , then Pass , West lead !s7. Here is the later conversation:
llorenzo: sorry
JEC: lorenzo ok to ak for undo
reisig: ask undo
kiko: you didnt ask
llorenzo: yes my undo not avalaible
Then the playing end, result was 1!DS+5, the conversation was going on .....
susina 8: i am here pl tell me
susina 8: i adjusted board 13
kiko: why not 6d
guitonnell: pls ask any time
kiko: nobody asked for undo
Psyck: It was likely passed out before undo could be asked
llorenzo: Iasked because my undo wasnt avalaible
kiko: we didnt see it
After researching and analysis, some information as following :
1. it's a private game
2. Jec ask pd to undo, but dummy's undo button unavailable
3. before 1!DS+5 made , nobody did undo
4. we don't know whether Jec knew he could undo and rebid 1!D, but opps already saw North's hand
5. susina 8 was called and coming ...
6. then adjust to 3NN=, same as other table
7. kiko was not satisfied , and it seemed nobody asked her agreement before adjust
8. Throughout the process, EW had no any fault
what do you want to say with roles as follow ?
1. the boss of EGYPT Ladies
2. the TD certified by BBO
3. Arbitration, such as BBO
Surely we know, susina just cancelled this board, and no any thinking else for me , just discuss the online rules