MP, Instant, 34
Can't fault the 1S, even if you downgrade the kingleton.
In real life South should X rather than 2C. So bite me. GIB is CHO.
Can't fault West's pass. Some might bid 2S but not me.
CAN fault North's pass. But there is worse to come.
2D, P, P is OK. Passing out 2C would be a reasonable choice by East that would have saved some pain.
2S? OK he has 10 TP (if you count SQ). He is just the one point shy of required 9 HCP. Would forgive that but for his counting SQ as 2. Certainly has the 3+ C support. Basically fixed by his previous pass, but I certainly didn't picture this.
3D? He might assume D tolerance opposite, but I think he had done enough with 2D. Not close
3H??? Woah there, Trigger
4D? I would have passed 3H with that hand. May even get out undoubled
Meanwhile North is feeling a bit sick about concealing an 11+ card trump fit, but thereafter understandable.
I felt a bit nervous with my doubles (certainly the first one) due to GIB's tendency to pull penalty doubles. Quite surprised that he did not on this occasion.
Given the criticism recently levelled at gwnn for his light double, I am not sure what if any lesson can be learned from the 2C overcall here.