Table result 2NT-1 by East; MPs converted to VPS; somewhere in England in 2014, not at a North London club.
2♦ was explained, when North asked prior to his second call, as hearts. 2♣ was explained prior to East's second call as "both majors", and the TD established that this was a correct explanation of NS methods. There was a hesitation before East bid 2♥.
Director’s statement of facts:
I was called to the table after the end of the hand. North/South thought that West had bid 2NT using the unauthorised information of the alert and explanation of his 2♦ bid.
I wanted to establish logical alternatives. I polled 6 players – 3 said they would pass, 3 said they would bid 3♦. I first thought that 2♥ would go off two, but East/West gave a case that they would make seven tricks which I accepted.
Director’s ruling:
I ruled 2♥ - 1 for the same score
Details of ruling:
At the time both sides accepted the ruling, but my event Chief TD later over-ruled my ruling and adjusted to 2♥ - 2, +200 on the grounds that only 6 tricks can be made in normal play.
Appeals Committee decision:
Chief TD's revised ruling upheld.
Chief TD waved the deposit..
Appeals Committee’s comments:
We upheld the amended TD decision on the basis of the poll and 2NT was suggested by the unauthorised information. We have given the non-offending side the benefit of the doubt in the play and are happy that six tricks for East/West is a fair result.
My questions are as follows:
a) what do readers consider are LAs for West after East's 2♥, assuming 2♦ was not alerted?
b) if readers consider that 3♣ and 3♦ are the only LAs, what action would they take now on the East hand, and what other calls would they seriously consider?
c) what ruling would you make, in weighted-ruling-territory?
d) would you include any of 2♥-2 in the weighting?