yaohung, on 2016-November-03, 20:26, said:
2D is positive response(one K at least) which deny good 5+card suit (2 of AKQ), 4D splinter
a) Any opinion about what went wrong on this auction?
b) Your minimum value for the 4D splinter call? Is 3 card support acceptable?
c) Please suggest a reasonable auction to reach the proper contract.
a) North can't make a splinter and then decide to pass 4♥. Once S rebid 2♥ N should drive to slam unless they are off 2 quick cashers. He should start by setting trump with 3H which invites slam and initiates cue bidding. S should now cue 3♠ and N can ask for keycards.knowing the opps can't cash 2 spades off the top.