Screens in use, North and East are on the same side of the screen. This is the last board of a 10 board set.
East deals and opens 1NT. North pushes the tray through fully to the South/West side of the screen.
South and West both pass. South pushes the tray through fully to the North/East side of the screen.
South and West infer from the half way position of the tray that 1NT has been passed out by North. So South and West pick up their bidding cards. North and East also pick up their bidding cards.
South leads, West puts down dummy and the hand is played out in no trumps, declarer emerging with 5 tricks.
South and West write down 1NT-2, N/S +100 on their scorecards. North and East write down 1NTx-2, N/S +300 on their scorecards. South is operating the Bridgemate and enters 1NT undoubled -2, N/S +100, accepted by West.
When the players come to score up at the end of the set, the anomaly is spotted. Without talking to East/West, North/South tell a TD that this board has been mis-scored and ask him to cancel the score in the Bridgemate, which is then re-entered as 1NTx-2.
Before the start of the next set, West approaches another TD and explains what appears to have happened. The West and South hands are such that after the start 1NT P P dbl P, then either of them might have pulled the double.
How do you rule?
[Edit: directions confused in the original write-up: now corrected and properly reported(I hope)]
This post has been edited by jallerton: 2017-July-16, 10:28