gwnn, on 2020-January-28, 07:23, said:
Sorry, I'm an expert rather than advanced, so I didn't read any of this.
But PSA:
1m-2♠ = 11-15 balanced, transfer to NT (opener is free to sign off in 2NT/3m if unsuitable and minimum. Responder can re-raise to 3NT/re-transfer with 3♠ if it was just a rightsiding move.)
is a good treatment and people should consider using it more.
You don't want to be declarer if you lack jacks/positional stoppers.
I think using 2H for the balanc d hand is better. We use it as invitational, with an immediate 2N as forcing.
2H allows opener to relay with 2S. Opener can bid 2 or 3N with suitable hands for being declarer, and can go through 2S, pup petting to 2N, if he feels that it’d be better for partner to declare.
Most of the benefit, however, comes from being able to distinguish between various unbalanced hands for opener. Direct 3- level suit bids show one kind of hand and relaying then bidding at the 3- level shows different. There’s no magic in whether the slow bid shows, for example, shortness or length, so long as you remember what you agreed.
The relay approach enhances slam bidding, and can allow for 5m rather than 3N. Using 2H as limited also helps! In my view. When the bud can be up to 15 hcp, opener can have problems with hands interested in slam opposite 14-15 bu only game opposite 13-15. I think one’d need a very good use for an immediate 2N in order to give up using that as natural and forcing. We play a style in which we open almost all flat 11 counts (14-16 1N) but you can adjust the ranges easily enough if you prefer different opening ranges
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari