My partner was North. We made 9 tricks with a score of +5.1 IMPs
I suggested to partner that he should have opened 1♥ but he argued that he would not be able to bid Hearts then Spades due to insufficient HCP for a reverse so would only be able to rebid 2♥, and I would never know he had 5 Spades. He felt that he had only lied about the 6th Heart but in doing so allowed me to choose best suit without going up a level.
It's hard to argue with him when we got a top.
1. Is it ever right to distort your opening bid and rebid in this way?
2. I know from other threads on BBO that the 16 HCP 'rule' for reversing is more of a guideline than a rule. Should partner have reversed even with just 11 HCP, given that he had such a great shape?