There is no right answer here, this was played in a 4.5 table movement so was played 4 times, in 2
♣/3N NS and 4
♦EW. All these contracts are double dummy makes, most should have made single dummy on the leads they got, but none of them did at the table, we got an average for 2
♥-1 (we only had one below average board in 21 in a 75%+ set). Can you make the contract though ? Making anything for 110 or more would be all the matchpoints. I do not understand how 3
♣ went off on a spade lead.
E leads the
♣2 against 2
♥, you play the ace and W ruffs, returning the second smallest missing diamond. K or run to the J ?
And btw partner would love a diamond lead in 3N, it's a virtual claim, you might not like one so much, he was bidding 3N over 3
♣ or 2N.