Posted 2023-May-10, 10:10
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-May-10, 10:17
Posted 2023-May-10, 10:43
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:00
I'll be honest: I think 3♦ is the right bid, to cater to partner having (say) a 4=6=0=3 minimum or so, but I don't trust the auction at all. Maybe there's a case for bidding 4♦ now - possibly losing the auction, but always winning the postmortem.
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:06
2♥/1♦ would be weak.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:11
Some pairs got to 5♦ after imo, some wild bidding. C'est La Vie
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:16
As far as I'm concerned there's no way to win - go low and walk into the cliché "You had a 4-loser hand with an 8 card suit, how could you not bid game?!", or go high and walk into "Did you not hear me run from your diamonds twice? Of course I don't have support, you're lucky to have escaped for just two off!". A good partner will upgrade their hand tremendously with two small diamonds over our 3♦.
EDIT: I just saw the hand, ♦Ax is incredible on the auction and the soft hearts are a plus. I think East is worth another bid over 3♦. Also North bid poorly.
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:17
#1 The first question is, what to open.
1D is most likely the majority choice, but 5D has a lot going for it, the main plus:
you are done with the hand.
Getting a 8 card suit across with a min opener is not really possible.
#2 After the shown seq., you have to bid 2D, it showes 6+ and a min opener,
which is a close enough description.
#3 2H from partner should be 6+ and NF, and because it is NF, why introduce a 5 carder,
when partner has shown a 6 carder.
Open for discussion is the strength of the bid.
Over 2H you bid 3D, which still could be a 6 carder, but 7 carder is more likely.
#4 Sometimes you make overtricks, ..., 5D would have the job get done, but you won the part
score battle.
But giving it a mild push by raising 3D to 4D is not out of this world.
3D is most likely based on a hand with a heart single, i.e. the 6th Q is no big wastage,
the Ace is gold, ..., get it right, MP is a stop signal.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2023-May-10, 11:26
P_Marlowe, on 2023-May-10, 11:17, said:
Posted 2023-May-10, 12:07
5♦ is a lucky make, requires ♣J onside if they manage to play 2 trumps
Posted 2023-May-10, 17:04
Playing an unbalanced♦ (1♦-1♠ is GI) I have an unusual approach, which ends up with the same auction as far as:
1♦-2♥ is 6+♥ <8/9hcp
1♦-1♥ (either/both Majors]
2♦ 6+-2♥ 6+ 8/9-10hcp
I would infer the same strength/length using the more natural approach above.
From this point with a self-sustaining ♦ suit and 5 modified losers 4♦ is then my bid asking partner to convert to 5♦ with suitable values/tricks.
Posted 2023-May-11, 01:36
DavidKok, on 2023-May-10, 11:26, said:
I dont disagree, and I did not give the X much though, but one point not yet mentioned,
2D showed a 6 card suit, but it did not overly stress suit quality.
3D does stress this and sends the message, I am prepared to play the suit as trumps, even
if facing a single.
Most of the time you will have 7+ suit, but sometimes a good 6 card suit will do.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)