Cyberyeti, on 2023-November-04, 01:52, said:
Mike, if McKenney is your normal method, do you think it applies here ? (so high heart would ask for a diamond and high diamond would ask for a heart)
You are right I got the directions wrong.
I got second prize, I misinterpreted partner's signal (low diamond), but he had a stiff ♠J so we still defeated the contract.
Strangely to beat 4♠ which the rest of the room were in, partner needs to lead A♥ from J, AQJxx, xxxxxx, x, then the uppercut generates your 4th trick.
5♥ is only -1 unless opps manage to play 3 rounds of diamonds overruffing declarer, if the 1N opener leads a club it makes.
Over here your method is called Lavinthal.
It’s possible that it could be worked out: with the spade Jack and neither Ace, he pitches his smallest diamond, asking for a club continuation.
However, it’s a big mistake, if he has either ace, not to ruff the second club. Why?
Because he needs to be considering YOUR problems.
While it’s very unlikely that the uppercut scenario exists, sitting with your improbable spade holding you have to continue a club when you do hold it or it’s cousin Qx, unless he owns a red ace.
In theory he can dodge this bullet, with an ace, by pitching a red card that tells you to lead his ace suit. A high heart…diamond ace. A high diamond, heart ace. Any low red card….a club continuation.
So the partnership should survive a failure to ruff, except….. and n a very high level, the failure to ruff could mean that he thinks that you can try for the uppercut to create down 2. This makes sense only when his ace is in diamonds, because he can see that declarer can pitch dummy’s heart….after a third club, and the upper cut, declarer comes to the spade ace and cashes a club. Meanwhile, he can’t get three diamonds away unless he has 6 clubs to the QJ. So he can’t not ruff with the heart ace and with the diamond ace, signalling to continue clubs may look attractive.
So a signal for a club continuation doesn’t rule out the diamond ace but does rule out the heart ace.
But one attribute of an expert is that he goes out of his way to make his partner’s life easier. So…RUFF the second club with a red ace to cash and failing to do so suggests desperate measures. With the average player opposite, trust a high red card and guess after a low diamond.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari