HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
Once again, we do not open 1N with a 5-card major. Opener showed exactly 4 hts when he bid 2H.
I've reread your posts, and this seems like new information.
With this agreement (2
♥ = 4 hearts, not 2
♥ = 4-5 hearts), Opener might have bid 3
♥ over 3
♦ as a wake-up call (since he can't be showing a 5th heart) with no club stopper, e.g. on the hand I gave above, which was
HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
Responder with 3D said my interest is diamonds as trumps. Opener said 3N intending to play it there because his distrib. was 3-4-2-4.
I'm not sure how to interpret this. Certainly, it's neither the case that
♣; 2
♦ = "My interest is diamonds as trumps"
nor that
♣; 2
♦; 3N = "I intend to play 3NT"
nor that
♣; 2
♦; 3N = "I intend to play 3NT because my shape is 3424"
The meaning of a call (including 4N when used as RKC!) is essentially just a set of hands and it's often possible to describe that set without using mentalistic terms like 'said', 'interest', 'intending' and so on. For example,
♣; 2
♦ = 5+D3-H and either a) game values and a small singleton or void [mentalistically, Responder is "uncertain" about 3NT even if there's no 4-4 spade fit], or b) slam values
♣; 2
♦; ?:
♥ = 2-3 spades and either good hearts or no club stopper
♠ = 4 spades
3N = 2-3 spades and clubs stopped
(I'm not claiming that the above is exactly what you play, though.)
HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
Responder said "I'm still interested in slam in a minor so I'm going past 3N with my 5 good diamonds and 4 good clubs, and single small heart.
You know your own system best, but is it really true in your system that
♣; 2
♦; 3N-4
♣ = slammish with 5 good diamonds [not, more generally, 5+ diamonds], 4 good clubs [not, more generally, 4+ clubs] and a small singleton heart [not, more generally, 3 or fewer hearts]
HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
Opener with bid 6C, concerned that 4N might be RKCB. 6C making 7 was very bad MP score because both 6N and 7C made handily.
Might NOT be RKCB and get passed, you mean? And was his hand also unsuitable for 4
♥ and 4
♠ (cuebids with clubs as trumps, don't you agree?)?
HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
Responder hoped and expected opener to bid 4N RKCB.
Despite what mikeh says, I still think it makes sense for 4NT to be RKC agreeing
clubs by failure to show diamond preference. (Since 2
♥ showed precisely 4 hearts and 3N presumably denied 4 spades, Opener's only possible shape is now 3424 (or, f you allow it with a singleton top honour, 3415.)) But even then, how could Responder expect partner to bid 4N unless he already knew about the club fit? Maybe 3N already showed 3424 shape, the way you play, because Opener would bypass 3N with diamond support?
HombreEast, on 2024-December-17, 17:54, said:
The question was would 4N have been RKCB or "to play"?
I’d like to see an example of 4N being used as a (very self-preemptive!) minor suit analogue to Non-Serious 3NT in a top level event like the Bermuda Bowl or the Open European Teams Championship!