Keystroke shortcuts
Posted 2009-January-19, 03:28
Posted 2009-January-19, 08:14
<Ctrl>+R “Reply” to last private chat message
<Ctrl>+B Same as “BACK” button
<Ctrl>+F Changes the chat “Font”
<Ctrl>+P Modify User “Profile”
<Ctrl>+W Toggles between “Wide” and normal screen
<Ctrl>+V Changes the “View” (cycles)
List of Tables
<Ctrl>+V Changes the “View” (cycles)
At Table (playing/kibitzing)
<Ctrl>+K Chat to “Kibitzers”
<Ctrl>+L Chat to “Lobby”
<Ctrl>+S “Send” chat to table
<Ctrl>+T “Table” options dialog (or chat->tourney if in a tourney)
Playing at a table
<Ctrl>+O Chat to “Opponents”
<Ctrl>+C Bring up the “Claim” dialog
<Ctrl>+U Request an “Undo”
<Ctrl>+D Request a “reDeal”
<F7> Your hand is spoken (if Voice enabled)
<F8> Dummy is spoken (if Voice enabled)
These work in the windows client, I have not tried the Flash one with any of these.
Posted 2009-January-19, 08:31
At this point in time none of the shortcuts are available in the web client. At some point in time (I don't know when) I expect most of them will.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2010-April-01, 15:09
Also, I make far fewer mechanical errors playing with the keyboard, so until the web interface is improved I will stick with the old windows client.
More generally, I would happily pay a subscription fee to have an advertising-free open interface to BBO. Also I would love to be able to use BBO from my IPhone, but that will require a new custom interface for the small screen. If BBO had an open interface, I think we would soon see a BBO app for the IPhone. I would probably write one.
Posted 2011-January-29, 19:17
Posted 2011-January-30, 06:38
Also can you switch the hotkey for "ten" to 0 rather than T, so when I type "typ" at the beginning of a hand it doesn't automatically play dummy's ten?

Posted 2011-February-16, 17:25
Posted 2011-February-16, 20:26
Instead of lobby chat, the idea is that finding a game is made extremely easy. I assume you mean team matches, because normal game tables fill up very fast in general.
Team matches can be opened without 8 players. Just open, and wait for it to fill. Once players catch on to this, it will fill up fast.
In both casual play and team match, we're working on ways to more easily, and accurately match up players. You should never have to send chat to lobby to find a game.
John Nelson.
Posted 2011-June-21, 07:24
0 carbon, on 2009-January-19, 03:28, said:
what about customization of some funtions for temporay or permanent use such as:
automatic pass (autopass when one knows you will never enter the auction
automatic alert (when defined art bids in system, even explanation may be extracted optionally from the CC)
specially defined key for regular repeated messages such as "hello, we play 2/1, 1430, udca, michaels, capp"
automatic change of screen distribution after a hand ends, to see scores, and playing field expansion when a
new hand is to be bidded by the player.
automatic setup of last used parametrization (font size, friends coming in, vugraph boradcast, etc)
Posted 2011-June-21, 07:35
automatic autopass (toggle key) when you know you are not entering the bidding
automatic play of singletons (already there if selected)
automatic play of lowest cards when only spots(or hi-low when even number)
automatic changes og screen's display in accordance to the needs. (after finishing a hand
the results area opens automatically) when you start bidding the next hand a full screen is
automatically restored for the purpose
automatic save of last parametrization(font size, friends entering, chat size, etc)
automatic alert of conventional leads an other play of the cards
automatic alert and explanations of specific bids to opponents according to the CC used, if opp wish
automatic display of specific messages, such as "hello, we are playing 2/1, 1430, udca, Michaels and Capp"
I whish and expect BBO will improuve in thisd field in the future
john a.k.a. granguru
Posted 2011-June-21, 12:25

Posted 2011-December-22, 07:50
kevincline, on 2010-April-01, 15:09, said:
Also, I make far fewer mechanical errors playing with the keyboard, so until the web interface is improved I will stick with the old windows client.
More generally, I would happily pay a subscription fee to have an advertising-free open interface to BBO. Also I would love to be able to use BBO from my IPhone, but that will require a new custom interface for the small screen. If BBO had an open interface, I think we would soon see a BBO app for the IPhone. I would probably write one.
i just plug a regular mouse , and keyboard to lap tops, i have never been able to use a mouse pad, and i erase the keyboard letter, so cheap keybaord plugged in
Posted 2011-December-22, 14:34
babalu1997, on 2011-December-22, 07:50, said:
I think you mean trackpad. A mouse pad is a square piece of (usually) rubber that you put under a mechanical mouse, so that the ball will get more friction than against a smooth table surface. I also like to use it with optical mice, because I don't like the scraping feeling and noise when the hard mouse bottom moves against the hard tabletop.
And I'm with you -- I dislike trackpads and that old "eraser" thing in the middle of the keyboard, and I find most laptop keyboards a pain to use, so I've always preferred an external keyboard and mouse.
Posted 2012-February-10, 09:29
0 carbon, on 2009-January-19, 03:28, said:
Posted 2012-April-15, 03:18
Can anybody please tell me how she can unlock the in room chat box again because she lives to far away to help here at location and she is addicted to this game it seems.
Thanks in advance!
Posted 2012-April-15, 03:48
Mike788, on 2012-April-15, 03:18, said:
Can anybody please tell me how she can unlock the in room chat box again because she lives to far away to help here at location and she is addicted to this game it seems.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe she dragged the line above the chat area too low, and now she has chat on the right, in a side-tab. She can try to click the grey line and drag it up to put chat back at the bottom of the screen. She has to left-click, hold down the left mouse button, and drag upward. This will move the grey line up.
Posted 2012-April-15, 03:50
diana_eva, on 2012-April-15, 03:48, said:
I will try to have her do this. Thank you very much!
Posted 2012-September-09, 08:21
cards are played extremely fast so people will know you have yarborough.
this is already true of autoplay singletons. this is extremely unfair as partner will know to give you a ruff.
autoplay singletons should be removed
Posted 2012-September-09, 13:03