Using GIB when adjusting scores Could, should, and would
Posted 2011-April-09, 16:12
if opening with 10 points is a psyche in one case, why wouldn't it be a psyche in every case? . . . and if it isn't. . then why not?
And if the answer relates back to the intent of the player making the bid, then how does a TD determine a players intent, especially on an opening bid?
Posted 2011-April-09, 17:44
Geoduck2, on 2011-April-09, 16:01, said:
Once upon a time (actually, probably more than once, but never mind that...) I perpetrated a rather stupid 2♦ bid, for which I had nowhere near the values. I was told it was a "gross misbid". I said "so it was a psych?" The reply was "no, because you had no clue what you were doing".

The point of the story is that one wouldn't psych if one didn't want to mislead somebody - but that intent is not part of the definition, except insofar as the definition includes the word "deliberate".
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-April-10, 22:52
Geoduck2, on 2011-April-09, 16:12, said:
if opening with 10 points is a psyche in one case, why wouldn't it be a psyche in every case? . . . and if it isn't. . then why not?
If you do it in 3rd seat, it's probably not a psyche, since it's common to open light in 3rd seat. If you have compensating shape (e.g. a 5-5 hand that meets the Rule of 20 or Rule of 22), it's not a psyche. If you're playing Precision, it's not a psyche, since Precision players tend to open light -- most 11 counts are opened, so a 10 count is not a "gross misstatement".
The same way he determines it about any other bid: he asks him. Why do you think it's any harder to do this for opening bids than other bids?
If the player miscounted his points, or mis-sorted his hand, or something like that, it's not a psyche. If he misclicked, it's not a psyche. And if the player is ethical, he will truthfully answer why he made the bid that doesn't match his hand.
Posted 2011-April-11, 13:51
fred, on 2009-August-27, 08:37, said:
fred, on 2009-August-27, 08:37, said:
Subjectivity cannot be eliminated from laws but the current Bridge-laws require too much director-judgement. Objective criteria including results at other tables and computer-analysis are more acceptable than the director's subjective judgement.
Partially, this is because justice should be seen to be done. Under current rules, players on the losing side of a ruling often complain that the ruling is unfair, especially if another director would make a different ruling on identical facts. (see BBO law-forum disputes, ad nauseam). An international acquaintance once boasted that he could predict the result of an appeal if he knew the names of the protagonists and the committee -- the facts of the case were irrelevant. He may have been exaggerating

Anyway, the director need not rely on a one-off double-dummy analysis. He could use the play-result of four robots, playing "single-dummy", from the time of the irregularity. The Robots could use the FD system descriptions of the players. The robots could generate many simulated deals, in keeping with their own hands and the players' assumptions -- and analyse each double-dummy.
They would do this before each bid or play (Similar to the way Gib plays in tournaments). And the experiment could be repeated as many times as deemed necessary.
An aside: Has there ever been a challenge-match where a Team of four humans played against four Gibs?
Both sides could play at their top-settings

Paul Gipson could allow the Metropolis team to compete in his BBO inter-city competition.
Given all the BBF Gib-libels, the result would be interesting
Posted 2011-April-19, 09:05
Geoduck2, on 2011-April-09, 16:01, said:
Intent, yes, misleading opponents, no. A psyche is deliberate. If you open 1♠ because you had a club in your spades - unusual playing online, but I have made such a bid online myself - or have opened 2♦ with diamonds forgetting you are playing the Multi then that is a misbid not a psyche. But since psyches and misbids are treated pretty much the same - they are both legal - it hardly matters.
Geoduck2, on 2011-April-09, 16:12, said:
if opening with 10 points is a psyche in one case, why wouldn't it be a psyche in every case? . . . and if it isn't. . then why not?
And if the answer relates back to the intent of the player making the bid, then how does a TD determine a players intent, especially on an opening bid?
You determine a players' intent by asking him why he did it!

But what do you want to know for?
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2011-April-22, 20:56
Posted 2011-April-25, 17:19
I misbid 2H (meaning transfer to spades) in an auction where Lebensohl was on, having forgotten my agreement. It happened to cut them out of their heart fit, and we got a good score. So the next time I have a 6-1-x-x hand white, I do it again, as a psychic. It works again, surprisingly.
Does it really matter to partner "starting to clue in" which one was intentional and which was a brainfart? Or if both were one or the other?
"it means <X>, but partner has a habit of forgetting and bidding it with <Y>" is as much a partnership understanding as "it means <X>, but partner has a habit of psyching it with <Y>", it seems to me...
But I think those "psychic recording books" are mostly used for social engineering ("It's not illegal, it's Just Not Done Here, Dear.") But I've been known to be cynical.
Posted 2011-April-27, 16:48
barmar, on 2011-April-22, 20:56, said:
Not at all. Thew Law's the same.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2011-April-27, 19:12
barmar, on 2011-April-22, 20:56, said:
bluejak, on 2011-April-27, 16:48, said:
Posted 2012-April-08, 13:23
Posted 2012-April-08, 13:28
Posted 2014-March-12, 19:59
♠ KQxx
♦ Kxx
♣ Qxx
♠ Ax
♥ QT98x
♦ Axx
♣ AT9
in 6♥ you can pitch a diamond on dummy's spade. For the clubs, it's KJx in RHO's hand. So running the queen works, and less likely is low to the queen and then finesse the jack but that works.
But a lot of players are going to try cashing the ace and then up to the queen, losing two clubs. This is a total guess, and if the guess isn't made I think director needs to assign an average board.
I sometimes wonder if people intentionally slow play tough hands to get the double dummy result. I've argued with a TD or two and gotten justice before, but in a game this big some people will lose out.
Posted 2014-March-13, 19:47
if they guess wrong and finesse would be -4
Posted 2020-April-08, 22:16
TDs adjusting "AVE" boards can play up to the last card and then use GIB to see the best result by assuming each player makes their best play. Adjusting without playing to the last card is unfair to the players.
But since this is automatic, why not an option when setting up a clocked tournament to automatically adjust unfinished boards with a contract? Yes, this can be abused too, but is still fairer to all.
Posted 2020-July-10, 18:13
In reductio ad absurdum: one side reaches, say 3NT, and opening lead is made -- then -- that's all. Time limit reached. Given the lead, say there are 9 obvious off the top tricks and no hope for more. What should be done?
Thanks in advance for your answer -- i've caught a lot of flak over this, including be called "lazy".
-=-= Keene_JP
Posted 2020-July-12, 13:19
Posted 2020-July-14, 11:36