Agree that carding info would be nice.
How about playing for a layout like this:
If N has 5
♥s we're screwed I think, so for his penalty X I think he probably has the
♦K, unless South's overcalls are really really sound.
I tried to make the crossruff work (especially in the 5-0 trumps case), but they always come to 2 clubs, and then the
♥A and another
♥ in the endgame. Unless of course S is the type to overcall on 9xxx of spades
If we give N the hand above then:
2: win
♠ in dummy
♣ to 10 and A
♠ won in dummy
♥ towards hand covering N's card*
♦A and
♦ ruff
♣Q pitching a spade and
♣ ruff
♦ ruff
♠ ruff with K
And we pick up the last two tricks if N overruffs by covering N's heart or we lead a
♦ toward hand if he underruffs to score a
If N goes up with the
♥A at trick 5, then we win a non-trump return and crossruff, pitching a spade along the way on the
♣ winner so we can trump coup in the end (I think this works? I've already spent too much time on this post)
If N goes up with the
♥ A and send back a low
♥ (strongest?), then we win in dummy, pick up trumps, and pseudo-squeeze N in the minors? (I GUESS he could have KJ10, now I've gotten bored
There is probably some other really complicated variation if S has AKJ of clubs, but I think it involves ruffing out his winner to pitch a spade.
*Waits for someone to point out what is wrong*
I once yelled at my partner for discarding the 'wrong' card when he was subjected to a squeeze that I allowed by giving the wrong count with too high a card. Now he's allowed to pitch aces when the opponents have the king in the dummy. At trick 2. When he could have followed suit. And blame me.
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
rduran1216 asked
Opening lead
Your move.
Prospects are bleak. To limit likely damage, win ♠J and lead a ♣, intending to play ♣Q if LHO ducks. With luck, this may allow you to ruff a club or two and reduce the number of ♠ ruffs by LHO