3♣ - Double - 3♠ - Pass
4♣ - Pass - ??
Does a 4 ♥ bid here show:
1.) The Ace of ♥ or
2.) The Ace or King of ♥ ?
Other advice on the bidding - see below:
♠: AKQxxx, ♥ A987xx ♦: - Void, ♣: AK with partner:
♠: Jxxxx, ♥Kx, ♦: Jxxx, ♣:Qx
Bidding went:
3♣ - Double - Pass - 3 ♠
Pass - 4♣ - Pass - 4 ♠
How should it have gone ? Thanks!
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Simple cue bid question Simple cue bid question
Posted 2011-August-29, 15:15
I think one of your auctions is not what you intended.
And one of your hands has 14 cards. Use the Hand Editor and I don't think it will let you do that.
And one of your hands has 14 cards. Use the Hand Editor and I don't think it will let you do that.
Posted 2011-August-29, 15:58
regardless if you have now 5602 or 6502 hand, i suppose the bidding went like:
3♣ - X - p - 3♠
p - 4♣
with x (you) and 3♠ (by partner) you have "agreed" on a fit, though you havent never mentioned ♠, but with your X you indicated that you might have ♠. now cue-bidding (4♣) confirms ♠, shows 1st or 2nd round control (up to agreement) and shows interest in slam. with ♥K the next bid is 4♥. Now you know enough for bidding 7♠.
I forgot (edited):
In case you have agreed on 1st round controls then the bidding would go, starting with 3♣:
X - 3♠
4♣ - 4♠, 4C: 1st round control, 4S: nothing else
5♣ - 5♥, 5C: 2nd round control, 5H: 2nd round control
7♠, thx-all i needed
important here: for you the ♥K is more important than the ♦A, therefore cuebidding makes more sense than Blackwood
3♣ - X - p - 3♠
p - 4♣
with x (you) and 3♠ (by partner) you have "agreed" on a fit, though you havent never mentioned ♠, but with your X you indicated that you might have ♠. now cue-bidding (4♣) confirms ♠, shows 1st or 2nd round control (up to agreement) and shows interest in slam. with ♥K the next bid is 4♥. Now you know enough for bidding 7♠.
I forgot (edited):
In case you have agreed on 1st round controls then the bidding would go, starting with 3♣:
X - 3♠
4♣ - 4♠, 4C: 1st round control, 4S: nothing else
5♣ - 5♥, 5C: 2nd round control, 5H: 2nd round control
7♠, thx-all i needed
important here: for you the ♥K is more important than the ♦A, therefore cuebidding makes more sense than Blackwood
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