Interests:Bridge, classical music, skiing... but I spend more time earning a living than doing any of those
Posted 2012-February-26, 15:31
I wouldn't be too upset about not being in this NV game, it's not a very good contract. Particularly if you have to play it single-dummy (i.e. you can't look at their hands to decide which major suit finesse to take), and the clubs aren't blocked.
Interests:Bridge, Poker, participatory and spectator sports.
Occupation - Tax Attorney in Atlantic City, NJ.
Posted 2012-February-26, 15:45
Playing 4 card majors, I would just bid game with the East hand.
There is a likelihood that partner has 4 hearts for the raise, and it doesn't take much more than no trump losers along with whatever values that partner has to make game.