I should ha posted this long ago I guess. My website www.bridgegod.com is up and running.
I am improving it every day since I launched it in May, there are some problem hands in the practice section, and 20 more basic hands for BILs on the Courses section from the 'Geometry of card play course' from my father, and a basic introduction to lebensohl.
Right now you can register totally for free, and you don't even need a valid email address, the only reason for registering is to access some parts of the site and also to fill the score tables with some real users. Note that only the top 50% scores of each hand will show up nicknames, the bottom ones will show up as anonymous even if made by a registered user.
I am about to launch a pack of deals from a match played in 2008 against world class opponents, I've tried my best to reproduce everything that happened at the table, and what would happen if you take a different route. I will make it public after Bermuda Bowl.
If you have an interesting hand you would like to share with friends, you can send it to me and I will gladly create a specific IA for it to be played as you want.
I have also many plans, like creating sets of partnership bidding deals, which would also be card-playable by both partners. Hopefully next year it will be available.
I am dying for feedback, many people connect, try it, but I never know what they like or not like. What should be improved or what is better than other websites. Please tell me whatever you think.
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Posted 2013-October-02, 01:42
I finally launched the deals from 2008, so far critic is good overall. Try it!
Posted 2013-October-02, 06:20
Is there a way to retrieve a forgotten password?
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2013-October-02, 13:01
not automaticaly yet, the user part is not yet done
, but you can PM me, email me, etc.

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