Bbradley62, on 2015-January-23, 15:12, said:
Some of this strangeness would be reduced if ACBL treated online games more similarly to f2f games (tournaments and/or clubs) and suspended people who left prematurely. Maybe allow a little leeway for connectivity issues, but make it clear that failing to finish is unacceptable behavior.
There are many reasons why players drop out of BBO games that do not merit any punishment. Loss of internet is the most common reason. Lately, I have played some games late at night, and I wake up to find that I fell asleep in the middle of the game. Despite what some of my partners may think, I have never fallen asleep in the middle of a live game.
And who knows what real life issues may arise while someone is participating in an online game.
Besides everything else, no one is really harmed if someone drops out of a robot game. It doesn't upset the movement. All that really happens is that the player who dropped out is ineligible for any masterpoint award, and is considered to finish behind all those who do play all of the boards. Is that so bad?
A few times I fell asleep in the middle of a pair game on BBO. That does annoy people, but mostly my partner, who then has to put up with a substitute.