StevenG, on 2015-July-02, 03:47, said:
Why does it show that?
To me, it looks as though partner, having shown spades has doubled a spade bid for penalties. I know I'm naive
but I doubt my equally naive partners would understand the double either. A direct raise to 3
♥ would show a strong hand and do the job much more safely.
No, 2
♥ was not a support for hearts. It was preference. Thus raising to 3
♥ shows extra hearts. When someone says he has 5-5 majors, he does not double spades for penalty. His pd already knows he has spades. Dbl shows strength. You may argue that passing 2
♠ shows weak spades and doubling shows good ones. This is a very small target for it to be useful if any. No need to let opponents gain bidding space by doubling when your intention is not to bid further. Now assume pd had 2
♥ and single
♠, you double 2
♠ with strength and pd now can double them at 3 level wherever they run, if he wants to. But by bidding 3
♥, instead of getting a juicy penalty bonus, you probably will end up playing 3
♥ 5-2 fit when your pd has no help to spade either.
♥ is anything but a safe bid!
I do not even know why we are still debating this. I do not even know why people think all of this should be pre agreement or that michaels is broken. Michaels has its weak spots but this is not one of them. I strongly doubt neither Justin nor Mike nor Phil have exclusively discussed with their pd about what they just wrote here. This is ABC of bridge. This DBL or double of any suit after michaels, when both suits are known, is extras. It is not agreement, it is logic. Raising the suit to 3 level just because you have extras, when double was available, is downright awful thing to do. I see people still replying that blame goes to both, because S could have bid 3
♦. I call this BS, 3
♦ shows a huge hand, at least bigger than this. And just like 3
♥ 3
♦ forces us to play 3
♥ if not 4 or 5 a 5-2 or at best 5-3 fit when we were about to kill them. Sadly all of this tells me we still have people who has not yet grasped the difference between support and simple preference and commenting in int/adv forums. This should have been solved long ago when we just started bridge!
If we still can not see that North was out to lunch on this board, we have serious problems about bidding. And I am not talking about only michaels bidding. South overbid his hand by 3
♥ and this did not cause any damage. Perhaps he knew his pd and did it on purpose, but as I said N was out to lunch.