Winstonm, on 2017-May-12, 12:22, said:
By the same reasoning, improved dialogue with Isis would also be the right direction? Russia attacked the U.S. election system, and by the testimony last week in Congress is still attacking the U.S. and other western countries via cyber warfare. You do not go out for a friendly dinner with the enemy while they are dropping bombs on your house.
I do have a burning question. Please review the following dusty link from the U.S. government from 2001.
Rumsfeld and the Pentagon Bureaucracy.
If a Republican Defense Secretary suggests that the Pentagon bureaucracy reminds him of the old Soviet Union the day before 09/11/2001--the worst day in US History. . .
What's to stop all of the hacking of the election system (even the Democratic National Committee) from being perpetrated by the same organization that has immensely consolidated power in the federal government, can not account for about 25% of its annual spending, and has a management-leadership structure similar to the old Soviet Union, according to Rumsfeld?
Click the link below
Trillions (with a T) missing from Department of Defense This is from FOX news in 2016 which is right-leaning!
SF Gate 2003 Article Missing Military Money ==> from left-leaning newspaper from 2003 (same problem just earlier and cheaper).
The Department of Defense has an accounting system from the 90's and it is missing trillions of $$$ -- The department doesn't exactly know what assets that trillions of dollars purchased. That is with a "T" everyone! Keep in mind, we are not talking millions. We are not talking billions. We are talking trillions. A trillion is like winning a million dollar lottery, one million separate times!
If you gave a cashier a cash register containing $6,500,000,000,000 in cash and at the end of the business day it was gone and he/she couldn't tell you where it went, would you keep him/her on payroll? Hmmmmmm.
When our federal government computer systems are hacked or the Democratic National Committee computer network is hacked, Congress goes to the FBI and the Department of Defense for answers. Now, if the Department of Defense, which has TRILLIONS of dollars missing from its budget, says Russia or China or North Korea did it, who are we to argue? But. . . .if the Department of Defense is implicated in the very hacking we are investigating because it wants a President that will bankroll its budget no questions asked unlike Hillary who won't grant budget increases to the Department of Defense, who do you think the Department of Defense wants elected?
If the Department of Defense did hack into the election system and into the Democratic National Committee computer network to help elect its favored candidate, one of the very first people that that needs to go after the blamestorming session is. . . . the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as he is under the Department of Justice. The Department of Defense doesn't need the FBI or the Department of Justice sniffing around its interference or control of national security affairs until it installs the entire new Trump appointees into the proper positions.
You can say what you want to say, but the enemy isn't ISIS or Syria or Russia or even a laughable, saber-rattling North Korea, the enemy is much closer to home in Washington D.C. and no I am not kidding!
Follow the money trail....