kenrexford, on 2015-August-24, 04:59, said:
Partner suggested that I might have bid 2H and I later thought maybe so. Trump has not been set and partner will expect four hearts in my hand. Ths could cause problems but the opponents have been silent, I hae a stiff club, chances are against partner holding four hearts. But he could. If he raises 2H to 3H I could try 4H in our 4-3 fit, or I could try 4D and hope he gets the message. I didn't do it but I thought later it was a reasonable alternative to 3D.
lycier, on 2015-August-24, 05:26, said:
This has an upside and a downside. It would have helped here, although I think partner could have bid agani even though 3D was not forcing. The downside? Well, if 3D is forcing then, when partner takes another call over my 3D, he could still be a rock bottom minimum for his 2D rebid. When 3D is not forcing then, if he bids again, I know he is at the least not a minimum.
MrAce, on 2015-August-24, 02:30, said:
There are some interesting mp issues: I did not check the other scores but my guess is that 5D making 6 scored well, since 9 tricks seem to be the limit in NT, absent a gift.
Also, I think the odds are subtle. If we could be sure that every pair is in either 5D or 6D then I think that 6D is preferred if we see all NS cards( but not EW). It should be a better than 50-50 shot. But wait, some may play this in 3NT. . If 6D makes then we get the same matchpoint against a 3NT bidder that we would get with 5D making 6, while if 6D fails by a trick then we go from a tie with the NTrumpers (had we stopped at 5) to a loss. So probably 5D is a pretty good choice for the contract. The slam must be a good bet, but one can imagine it failing.
I found this to be a common sort of hand, but interesting.