"comic" X / 1N "takeout" legal? good idea?
Posted 2015-November-19, 03:14
X = like Comic 1N, but stronger hands possible
1N = "takeout" of x, but NF
The 1N overcall will then be similar to NTO/R.U.N.T, which I've never heard are WBF illegal, but maybe it has to promise 4+ cards in a specified suit?
Posted 2015-November-19, 03:36
P = possible
1N = 4- H, to play opposite 15-17 bal. / relay opposite weak hands
...P = 15-17 bal.
...2♣+ = weak hands (usually)
2♣ = P/C / 5+ H, intending to play 2♥ opposite 15-17 bal.
...P = 6 C, weak
...2♦ = 6 D, weak / 15-17 bal.
......2♥ = 5+ H, to play
2♦/♥ = P/C, GF opposite 15+ bal.
3♣/♦/♥ = P/C, GF opposite 15+ bal.
Posted 2015-November-19, 06:03
EXCEPTION: A natural overcall in no trumps.
EXCEPTION: any cue bid suit that shows a strong hand.
EXCEPTION: a jump cue bid in opponent's known suit that asks partner to bid 3NT with a stopper in that suit.
As long as you stay within that you should be fine.
Posted 2015-November-19, 07:23
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-November-19, 09:57
mgoetze, on 2015-November-19, 07:23, said:
I've noticed the modern trend where two-level non-jump overcalls are made with significantly less than opening values, especially among pairs that play some form of Ghestem that prevents them from making a WJO. Maybe that style works well for them in practice (it did for Fantoni-Nunes, perhaps), but it seems that Good/Bad 1N aka Comic 1N would come in handy here*. Unfortunately, Comic 1N is now a brown sticker, hence the X/1N switch.
* Comic 1N/Ghestem were part of the same overcall scheme in Garozzo/Yallouze's book on the Blue Club, I think.
Posted 2015-November-19, 10:04
In which paulg states that actually this 1NT is allowed in any WBF events, despite the fact that it fits the definition of a brown sticker convention. The link is unfortunately broken but maybe someone can find it somewhere else? http://www.ecatsbrid...tion%20Card.pdf
George Carlin
Posted 2015-November-19, 16:11
gwnn, on 2015-November-19, 10:04, said:
In which paulg states that actually this 1NT is allowed in any WBF events, despite the fact that it fits the definition of a brown sticker convention.
Thanks. But from a more recent thread (http://www.bridgebas...c-1nt-overcall/):
paulg, on 2015-January-04, 15:25, said:
Posted 2015-November-20, 00:21
Anyway, I'd hate to have to be required to always make takeout 1NT's on a known 4-card suit. Takeout doubles (or 1N's) are fun, I don't want to make them less frequent. What will I do on some boring hand like xx Axx KJxx KQxx from now on if I can't announce a boring hand without spade length? Wide-ranging overcalls on the 2 level have worked surprisingly well for me and apparently for other people too. Advancer just bids her hand and lets things go from there. I don't like this tradeoff at all.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-November-20, 02:36
gwnn, on 2015-November-20, 00:21, said:
I think your expectations are optimistic!
The WBF has still not replied and have not changed its System Policy, so it still refers to the WBF Convention Booklet which permits these conventions. The fact that this booklet is no longer published on the WBF site doesn't mean that people do not have a copy!
Things have changed in Europe. The EBL Systems Committee has updated its System Policy to remove the reference to this old booklet (indeed, about half the changes are from my recommendations, so some people do listen to me occasionally). So in EBL events the 1NT overcall is a Brown Sticker convention as it does not promise a known 4-card suit. There are no restrictions on the meanings of double, subject to full disclosure.
At least this is my understanding.
Posted 2015-November-20, 03:00

George Carlin
Posted 2015-November-20, 04:31
gwnn, on 2015-November-20, 00:21, said:
If the takeout 1N has to promise 4+ cards in a specified suit, that's a big turn-off for me as well, as I enjoy a loose takeout style at the 1-level.
I play wide-ranged 2-level non-jump overcalls, too, but they are still very old-fashioned in that they (in direct seat) require opening strength and at least a 6-card suit. Recently I've begun to suspect that this style is too passive, especially vulnerable(!) when it's less appealing to make a WJO on a 6-card suit.
Posted 2015-November-20, 04:37
George Carlin
Posted 2015-November-20, 04:49
gwnn, on 2015-November-20, 04:37, said:
Yes, that's what I thought you meant. I think e.g. Fantoni-Nunes played that way, but possibly because they also played Ghestem.
Posted 2015-November-20, 08:01
nullve, on 2015-November-20, 04:49, said:
OK so you are not playing wide-ranging 2-level overcalls if you require opening strength. Anyway I think lots of top people play them too. Of course the lower range varies though.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-November-20, 17:34
nullve, on 2015-November-20, 08:16, said:
Do you know anyone at all above club level that uses an upper limit of 15 or 16 to 2 level overcalls?
Posted 2015-November-21, 05:13
Posted 2015-November-21, 05:49
Zelandakh, on 2015-November-21, 05:13, said:
We were. I only mentioned the classical/pre-Kokish era upper limit because gwnn said my 2-level non-jump overcalls aren't really wide-ranging. If, for the sake of the discussion, I have to accept that in order to count as wide-ranging, the range for a 2-level non-jump overcall must be 7+ instead of 10+ (still no upper limit), I'm willing to do that.
Posted 2015-November-21, 10:57