It is the last hand of the first qualificative session (out of 3) of a MatchPoint event. So far, you're above average (53-55% you assess).
Do you come in? How?
And now, pretending you didn't see my partner's hand...
Up to you...
For the record, I bid 4♥, and got Xed. Actually, the 3NT bid looked fishy and my minor oppostion should have told me that it would fail (although several pairs bid and made it, I guess not after a brave 2-suited overcall). But I thought I needed no more than Hxxxx KQxxx or Axxxx Axxxx to make, or that maybe I could push them to 4NT or 5m (one pair went down in 4NTX while several went down or were allowed to make in 5♦) which I would double more confidently. But now, I think it was a bad bid (since both contracts are likely to fail, after all partner saw we are red, right?).
Nevertheless, the contract is far from hopeless, especially on the ♣K lead. Opponents forgot again to lead 2 round of trumps when in with the ♠A, but unfortunately, ♠ were 4-2 and ♥ 1-3 (West 4144 Qxxx x KQxx KQxx and East 2344 AK Axx Axxx Jxxx). I escaped for down 1 (W called his partner in ♦ by dumping one of his honors so I made my J on the last trick!) but I should have been down 2 the way I played it (i.e. trying for +790 with a friendly break in one of the majors, -1 can be guaranteed by playing safe). -200 was slightly below average.
Was there a way to make it?
I apologize for this long post and multiple questions but will read your comments with great interest.