I've started imagining it from the defender's point of view to see if there were clues.
Is there a solution?
You are East, pard leads ♦J to South's 3NT contract:
T1: Declarer covers with ♦Q, you win and..
T2: Return a diamond to pard's ten.
T3: Pard plays ♦A, you pitch a heart, declarer a heart
T4: Pard clears the diamonds, playing her lowest of two remaining, you and declarer both pitch a heart.
T5: Declarer plays a heart to his king, partner dropping the queen
T6: Declarer cashes ♥ ace, partner playing a low(ish) heart...
What do you pitch, a club or a spade?
My (probably flawed) thinking:
Declarer has ♠A (pard would have suit pref'd it) + ♥AK + at least ♣K(J) to make up a 1NT opener.
Tricks: that's 2♠+2♥+♦+2♣ = 7... (probably ♣J and hook = 8)
A hand consistent with the play?
Declarer is ditching hearts, has no diamonds, and so probably has clubs (and will try to set them up), or spades, and wants to save a spade guess / play the suit for four tricks and not need a club hook. Outside chance declarer had hearts but gave up on setting them up.
When my thinking goes past there, it's full of "if this, then bla...", but no certain answer. Does someone have clear logic?