Alright, you're sitting at the table on a usual club night, and pick up your second 8-card club suit of the night. The last one turned out fine - you were pretty much the only person in the room to stop competing on your 9-trick hand, so you got most of a top when it turned out you could make exactly 9 tricks. This one gets off to a good start when your partner opens, and you woosh off to 5 clubs. But then your opponents double. You pass, but your partner apparently thinks it's a Lightner, and "escapes" to 6NT. RHO doubles even faster this time...
Sooo... do we switch from 6NT (possibly off the ace of clubs and most of a spade suit) to 7C (hopefully, just off an A)? At the table, I passed, and 6NT goes off 3 while 7C goes off two (it turns out the heart suit and the AS are what you're missing). Should I have done? At pairs, the difference was minimal (0% either way), but at teams also what's your call?
And what do you think about the previous bidding?