steve2005, on 2018-June-21, 13:36, said:
" I took the hesitation problem to 3 director's and the ACBL help desk.Although there is supposed to be a delay in bidding after a jump there was agreement that a change in tempo is sufficient to consider the bidding after the change in tempo." So they looked at the bidding most players would not make the bid made which is agreed but...
Does this override 16BaSays cant make a call that is demonstrably suggest by the ui
So before you even poll you need to show bid was suggested by tempo. Quick bids mean min hands and suggest a pass.
Steve, I am unclear from your opening post and subsequent posts what actually happened? Was the director called and made a ruling which you subsequently questioned? (appealed?). You said that the hesitation was 2 seconds. Is that your assessment or was this agreed by all of the players or otherwise established as the facts by the director?
Did the director rule that there was a break in tempo because (a) the player bid too quickly not observing the pause after the jump or (b) this particular player doesn't normally pause after jump bids, so even a two-second pause is hesitation and a break from his/her normal tempo?