cherdano, on 2020-May-05, 02:58, said:
I am afraid this belongs in the other thread, too, but I will post it here. Let me get out of my normal cynical/slightly trollish mode here
There are huge discrepancies in how countries handled the early outbreak. That's worth a separate post, but here I will just say that while some did much better than others (in my view), and some of them deserve heavy criticism that isn't just based on hindsight, just a little bit of contemporary common sense---still, it was a completely new situation, where completely unprecedented measures needed to be deployed at a speed beyond anything that ever happens in democratic politics. (When we heard of the strict quarantine in Wuhan, I think most of us thought "Obviously that could never be done here!")
Now, all countries I follow seem to behave much more reasonably. The goal right now is to get down the number of infections as low as possible first. Then once they are at a manageable level, you hope that you can employ effective test-trace-isolate, keeping R at or below one with measures that are still drastic at the individual level (Stay home until I am tested just because I spent 2 hours next to an infected person?? Again?!?? Unthinkable 3 months ago!!!) but allow much more of the society (or "economy", if you prefer to think in monetary terms) to function almost normally. I am not sure we can all become South Korea or Hongkong (I wouldn't be shocked if someone discovered that many more people there have background immunity against SARS-Cov-2 from previous coronavirus infections.), but it's infinitely better than the alternative.
Well, all countries with one big exception, the US. The goal of US policy is ... ??? Letting most people get infected, hoping that the lower estimates of the lethality rate is right, and that only 328 million * 70% * 0.4% = 0.9 million people die? Or to keep the pandemic alive well enough so that 50,000/month die until there is a vaccine? All the while ensuring long-term damage to the economy, because most will still be afraid to go to the hairdresser/theater/restaurant/...???
It seems insane, and a policy disaster at a scale unlike anything we have seen since WW2.
Trump has blasted a ridiculous slam because he was down by 10 IMPs on the last board, and now he is trying to drop one K singleton with his LHO and then play for the triple squeeze with RHO having QJT9 in one suit, KJT in a second, and A in the last because it's the only way to make it.
All Trump cares about is getting re-elected. If the epidemiologists are right, he won't get re-elected no matter what he does. If they are wrong and he opens up the country, then he has a chance. He figures it's about 50/50 (because he has no understanding of probability, so all gambles are 50/50) so why not?