I'm not sure if this is a good example (given the extreme shape of North) but in general and more so recently I have been struggling with some sequences in 2/1, esepcially how best to force. In this case we missed a possible diamond slam, ending in 3NT. 3NT+2 was the most common score for those of us who bid spades up the line. Others did a game force followed by 3NT and a jump to slam, or jumped to 3NT followed by the slam bid.
I appreciate many would put the bidding problem down to North not forcing (EDIT, apologies, 3D is forcing) but there are clearly some specific sequences in the system - is it that the robot system is much more rigid in sequences or is it something I should know about the system and how to force. I'm trying not to get upset with the bot here. I had a few other disastrous sequences in the same IMP tourney today
Out of the options here - there is 1 spade, 2 clubs (GF), 3NT etc. Other options?
Is one preferred to the others. If you do an up the line bid with your major how do you then force
Personally I don't really like how restrictive 2/1 GF is in terms of forcing. Up the line can be any strength, you cant often do a Soloway etc
Did the double throw a spanner in the works. Surely if you have options and miss the GF the first round there should be a way to keep forcing after that
In another hand in the same tourney I made the mistake of mentioning a second major with disastrous and comical results