AL78, on 2020-October-21, 05:33, said:
I don't follow. If South ruffs, they can get off lead with a club, I don't see an endplay. If South ruffs, you need the rest, which means picking up the spade and diamond queen. How do you know for certain the diamond finesse is working, which you need to throw both the heart and club losers? You don't know for certain the spade layout, although South holding Qxx is what I'd play for.
You're right. I don't know for sure.. Let's put it this way. If guessing is on a scale of 0-100, where certainty is 0 and 100 is absolute bloody lunacy, then saying "that's my guess" is probably being a bit mild.
Perhaps I should say "that's my stab in the dark". How's that?
The 0-100 method was taught to me by a Japanese post-doc. Apparently, that's how they get taught English in Japan. So you can give my estimate a 25% on the Miyawaki scale of inverse likelihood (guesswork).
Or, to put it another way, no, I wouldn't put much store in what I say either.