Andrew says the correct bid is 2♠, and goes on to say bidding 2♠ could lead to a making game. Bidding 2♠ is constructivehere, following the principle of not rescuing a six card suit.
I'd have thought with a singleton or void heart and a hand that is useless unless spades are trumps, it would be desirable to pull to 2♠ on the basis that is it often better to play in the trump suit of the weak hand, which combined with opener's HCP trick taking potential might play better than playing in 2♥. Knowing my luck, if I bid 2♠ with a hand like that I would be writing +150 or +170 on the scorecard when most of the room is in game, although I can kind of see his point that opener will need to be maximum for their bidding for game to have a good chance. What have I missed? Obviously I'm wrong because Andrew is a world class player so he knows what he is talking about.