Lead was ♠9. There are 6 top tricks, 1 slow ♦ trick, and 2-3 ♣ tricks after it is established, therefore I played it for 9-10 tricks.
I first raised with the A, played the ♣A, then a small ♣. The ♣Q immediately appeared on the East to take my ♣J down despite it is hidden in the closed hand. ♣ were proven to break 3-2, with only 1 left at that point which will be taken down by dummy's K.
East returned a ♠. I ducked. West returned another ♠ and forced my K out, and exposed ♠ were 3-3. Therefore dummy's ♠7 became established.
I then turned to ♦ as an attempt to drive the ♦K out in order to establish the ♦J. The ♦K appeared on the East.
East played a ♥J, I raised with an A immediately.
I then played a ♦J to dummy's Q as the only remaining entry, and the whole of dummy was established, with 10 tricks as the result.
I was shocked that I got 0 MP for this board. All 4 other tables took 11 tricks at 3NT. What did I do wrong here? How should I play this board in MP?